Wednesday 20 October 2010

Faz hoje 19 anos que Ayrton Senna vence em Suzuka, no Japão, o seu terceiro campeonato mundial de Fórmula 1, além disso 35 anos antes o Danny nasceu.

Beach House - Darling
Planningtorock - Think That Thought
Nouvelle Vague - Escape Myself
Françoiz Breut - L'Origine du Monde
Solex - Peppy Solex
Little Dragon - Scribbled Paper
Belle Chase Hotel - Telephone Call From Instanbul
Fiona Apple - Extraordinary Machine
Obel - Just So
Anois -And You are Okay
Mint Julep - Aria
Beach Fossils- Sometimes
Camera Obscura - Let's get out of this Country
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Cheated Hearts
Anna Karina - Rollergirl
Stereo Total - I love you, Ono
Adreya Triana - A Town Called Obsolete
Memoryhouse - When you sleep (My Bloody Valentine cover)
Bon Iver - Lump Sump
Belle and Sebastian - Like Dylan in the movies
Elliott Smith - Pictures of Me
Pink Mountaintops - Vampire
The Flaming Lips - Race for the Prize
Sufjan Stevens - I walked
The Smiths - There is a light that never goes out

Disco Chen: The Boo Radleys, Giant Steps
.Lazarus (homenagem a Lázaro de Betânia, personagem bíblica descrito no Evangelho Sengundo S.João como um amigo que Jesus teria ressuscitado, irmão de Marta e de Maria.
.Barney (homenagem a Barney Stinson)

Disque Du Soleil: Arcade Fire, The Suburbs
.The Suburbs
. Ready to Start
. Modern Man (homenagem a José Santiago e Luís Filipe Luzio)

Pop & Vários: Junit, Fields

.In every direction

Ariana Madruga & Frederico Gonçalves

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